Electrical steel, also called lamination steel, silicon electrical steel, silicon steel, relay steel or transformer steel, is specialty steel tailored to produce certain magnetic properties, such as a small hysteresis area (small energy dissipation per cycle, or low core loss) and high permeability. The material is usually manufactured in the form of cold-rolled strips less than 2 mm thick. These strips are called laminations when stacked together to form a core. Once assembled, they form the laminated cores of transformers or the stator and rotor parts of electric motors.

Definition: 0.50 mm Electrical Cold rolling Silicon steel sheet. 10.000 - 12.000 Gause .
Standart: M-470, M-530, M-600, M-700, M-800, M-940
Base Metal:Cold Rolling Steel Loss : T 1.5/50 Hz. Max 1.8 / 2.3 Wat/kg
Covering: Remisol, Rembrantin, Melizort, C3, voltateks, 
Color: Brown, Green or grey.
Origin: Russia or Eastern Europe
Activities:Electrical Switches, Generator, Motor, Transformer,Regulator,Welding Machine,Ballast Sales Coils, Plates, Lenght Cut pieces or standard E / I transformer is made into sheets.
According to Customer Satisfaction Profile Grinding, EDM wire cutting, boring mills works, services.

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